Synesthesia and Yoga

I work with Creative and Design teams and have done so since the beginning of my corporate career. Back when I realized that I would be in front of computers all the time, I decided that the dimension of sitting and typing or manipulating a mouse all day meant I needed to also become a yoga teacher.

There is nothing like yoga for enhancing synesthesia- which is really the ability for one felt sense to be heightened by another. For example the smell of gingerbread cookies inspires the creation of ornaments for the Christmas tree. Other examples of synesthesia are the ability to see colors when breathing in a distinct smell or visualizing a scene when hearing a piece of music.

Yoga’s many incredible techniques for optimizing the mind, body and spirit makes for an incredible and indelible synesthesia.

I work for a large corporation that makes quite a few of our computers. Digression: I love this company and job because it tries to walk its talk in terms of diversity and inclusion.

In order not to get drawn into any mundane corporate small-mindedness and continue to push for innovation, I lean on yoga to encourage my own synesthesia and that of my teams. My everyday practice - even 30 minutes of yoga or meditation a day speaks volumes and reminds me of how infinite and brilliant we all really are.

I also disrupt my day full of meetings, Zoom and Teams calls with baking, cooking, playing catch with my dog, gardening - and voila! When I get off my computer and into the world around me, I have an entire atmosphere that I have created and cultivated by relying on yoga and its unique power to encourage the synesthesia within me.

Plus, I always have delicious food around. The yoga enhances and enlivens the senses which in turn inspire creativity, baking, cooking, gardening which then nourish me to continue to create and design a better world all around. Synesthesia abounds and creates a beautiful sustainable world around me thanks to yoga.

Kristina Lanuza