The Intuition

In Yoga, intuition is the 4th kosha or layer of the Self.  In Sanskrit, this is the Vijnanamayakosha.

But what is it?  I see it as many things:

  • that gut feeling

  • a premonition

  • something doesn’t feel quite right / or feels exactly right

In Yoga, we say that this world is “Maya” or illusion.  What people project in images, fashion, the story of their life, in conversation, in small talk, etcetera is not exactly the entire picture.  With all due respect, there are so many layers to humanity and often times, folks have not examined their unconscious or sub-conscious patterns.  Therefore, we need to use our intuition to be able to see beyond the illusions projected.

But how do we learn how to trust our intuition?

  • test it: like any science repetition is the name of the game…it is always meant to lead you into goodness and love

  • meditate: meditation leads one to understand the internal field of consciousness, not just rely on the 5 senses for a grip on reality

  • find intuitive teachers and coaches

One of the best teachers on honing the intuition is Caroline Myss: - but there are many other teachers who she can refer you to on her web site.

It’s a worthwhile for all human beings to hone and uncover this sheath of intuition that resides within all of us.  And to wield it with wisdom and with great respect.



