The Love of Teaching Yoga

One of the questions I have gotten about any Yoga offering I give is “how many people signed up?”

And I know some math is going on to see how much money I made perhaps?  The problem with leading with the number of people in class and money is that we forget the value of one individual human soul and consciousness.

As a yoga teacher, I want to know who is in class - and not even from a personal or ego standpoint at all - but from a consciousness and soul level. 

There is a pressure to make money, yes, but what I have found in over twenty years of teaching is that the true gratification is in seeing the beautiful transformation in people’s hearts, minds, bodies and souls. 

So even if it’s one student in class - I know that there must be a divine reason for this being and the Yoga teachings coming through me to connect. 

And if there are 100 people in a class - there must be a divine reason for the entire room to connect with one another and myself:  I simply help facilitate the larger, broader connection, And relax in the knowing that my Gurus and God are taking care of all of us.

I receive correspondence from so many of the hundreds of students I have taught yoga over the years.  For almost 8 years I taught at Equinox, many yoga studios all over New York and Brooklyn - Yoga to the masses.  I left in 2009 to move back to smaller, quieter Austin, Texas and to this day, I am sent thank yous and letters from the New Yorkers that often start with...”you probably don’t remember me...” and descriptions of their incredible journeys in yoga and in life.  I can only bow with gratitude for whatever small nugget they received from me in this tremendous ocean of Yoga wisdom.

The most important thing in the teaching and sharing of Yoga is opening the heart in connection.  And allowing each person to ever unfold and awaken into bliss, relaxation, ease and love supreme.  

Teach yoga for Love.  The money does come.  I can assure you of this from my own experience.


the love of teaching Yoga

the love of teaching Yoga

Kristina Lanuza